Pelvic Health
Get proactive about your pelvic health with resources from Fempower Health. Discover preventative measures, helpful exercises, and expert insights for a resilient pelvic floor (beyond Kegels).
Basic Facts about Pelvic Health for Women
Pelvic floor dysfunction impacts 1 in 3 women over the course of their lifetime.
The pelvic floor can be weakened by the following:
supporting the weight of the uterus during pregnancy
vaginal childbirth, which may overstretch the muscles
the pressure of obesity
chronic constipation or straining
constant coughing
some forms of surgery that require cutting the muscles
lower levels of estrogen after menopause
pelvic floor muscle tension caused by painful periods or endometriosis
SOURCE: Better Health
“We’ve all heard it: To have good pelvic floor health, you need to do your Kegels. But if you came into a clinic with a bicep muscle that was stuck in place, your doctor wouldn't tell you to go home and do 300 bicep curls. The same is true for the pelvic floor. It takes a professional person who can evaluate those muscles and can tell if the muscles are strong or weak, if they need more endurance, if they need to be relaxed, or if there's trigger points.”
- Carrie Koziol
Expert Interviews
Optimize Your Pelvic Health: Expert Insights & Empowerment
Tune in to the Fempower Health Podcast's playlist dedicated to women’s pelvic health, where we delve into topics like common pelvic floor issues, ways to be proactive about your pelvic health, pelvic floor devices and exercises, pelvic floor pain, and more. Gain practical tips, hear inspiring stories, and empower yourself on this transformative journey. Join us now and take charge of your pelvic health.
The Pelvic Health Bookshop
Unleash your pelvic power when you learn from Fempower Health's expert book recommendations. Changes due to pregnancy, menopause, and more impact your pelvic health. Whether you want to be proactive or have a problem to solve, learn the realities of female pelvic pain and pelvic health.
The Fempower Health blog explores everything from pelvic floor disorders, exercise devices, and self-care routines to stay healthy with trusted pelvic health experts.